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Advertising on YouTube Kids

Youtube Kids


Navigating the world of advertising on YouTube Kids requires a thoughtful approach. Since the audience is primarily children, advertisers must follow strict guidelines to ensure that the content is appropriate, safe, and compliant with both YouTube’s policies and applicable laws.

What are Paid Ads on YouTube Kids?

YouTube Kids is a free platform supported by advertising, but not all content on the app is considered a Paid Ad. When you click on a video, you might see a brief advertisement before the content plays. These are the Paid Ads, which YouTube clearly marks with an “Ad” label to distinguish them. It’s important to know that any videos uploaded by users, even those from companies that also advertise on the platform, are not considered Paid Ads. This distinction is important because user-generated videos are not subject to the same advertising rules.

Ad Format Guidelines on YouTube Kids

YouTube Kids only allows one sort of ad: an in-stream video ad. The duration of these advertisements is also restricted. Non-skippable advertisements must be between 15 and 20 seconds long, depending on the viewer’s location. However, skippable advertising can last up to 60 seconds. Before the advertisement begins, viewers will see a 3-second bumper that introduces the advertisement, providing transparency.

One significant difference between YouTube Kids and other platforms is the lack of clickable features in advertisements. This means that YouTube Kids ads have no clickable links, call-to-action overlays, or info cards. Furthermore, all advertisements must be hosted on YouTube itself; third-party delivered advertising is not permitted.

YouTube Kids prioritizes the protection of children’s privacy. As a result, the platform does not support interest-based advertising. Advertisers are also not allowed to use retargeting or tracking elements in their adverts. These restrictions help to ensure that children’s information is not gathered or used for targeted advertising.

Categories of Products that Cannot be Advertised

  • Age-Inappropriate Content

    Advertisements containing any media content that is not suitable for children cannot be posted.

  • Beauty and Fitness Products

    Ads promoting any beauty product, cosmetics, or fitness products are not allowed to be posted.

  • Dating or Relationship Services

    Content related to dating or relationships or any app promoting the same is strictly prohibited.

  • Food and Beverages

    Ads promoting any food and drink item or brand are not permitted.

  • Illegal or Regulated Products

    Products that fall into this category cannot be advertised.

  • Online Communities

    Ads for online communities or social networks cannot be promoted.

  • Political Content

    Ads related to political campaigns or topics are not allowed.

  • Religious Content

    Ads promoting religious beliefs or organizations are prohibited.

  • Video Games

    Even age-appropriate virtual games cannot be advertised on YouTube Kids.

Content That Must Be Avoided for Ads in YouTube Kids

Advertising on YouTube Kids requires careful attention to detail. The platform’s commitment to providing a safe environment for children means that advertisers must comply with strict rules.

In addition to the product categories, YouTube Kids also has strict rules about the content of ads. Advertisers must avoid the following:

  • Sexually Suggestive Content

    Any sexual / censored content isn’t suitable for children.

  • Brand-Centric Ads

    Ads that focus only on brand promotion without offering educational or entertaining value are prohibited.

  • Contests Promotion

    Ads that encourage participation in contests cannot be promoted.

  • Dangerous Activities

    Content-promoting stunts or risky behaviour is prohibited.

  • False or Misleading Claims

    Exaggerated or untrue claims are not allowed to be promoted.

  • Violence

    Any advertisement depicting or encouraging physical or mental violence is strictly forbidden.

Why are There Strict Rules for Ads Being Posted on Youtube Kids?

Advertisements on YouTube Kids are strictly monitored to protect young users from inappropriate content and influences. Children are especially impulsive, and exposure to advertisements for foods and beverages, video games, or political messaging can result in dangerous conduct or misunderstandings. Furthermore, some advertisements may include misleading information, high-pressure sales tactics, or content that is inappropriate for children, such as violence or sexually explicit material. By limiting these advertisements, YouTube Kids creates a safer, more instructive, and age-appropriate environment that promotes the well-being and development of young viewers.


Advertising on YouTube Kids requires a responsible approach that prioritises the safety and well-being of its young audience. The platform’s restricted criteria ensure that ads are relevant, non-intrusive, and free of unsafe information. By following these guidelines, advertising can contribute to a good educational atmosphere that respects children’s particular needs. These safety features not only protect children from inappropriate influences but also serve to maintain the trust of parents and guardians, making YouTube Kids a dependable network for young users.


YouTube Kids does not support interest-based advertising. Ads are displayed without using personal information to target specific interests, resulting in a safer environment for children.

All paid advertisements must be pre-approved by YouTube’s policy staff. Incompatible advertisements will not be allowed or served on the site, ensuring that only appropriate content reaches young audiences.

Pre-approval guarantees that all advertising follows YouTube Kids’ strict content and format requirements, protecting children from inappropriate material while also maintaining the platform’s integrity.

Writen by BMDigital

30 Aug 2024